Melissa Bromley Ministries encourages women in their true worth. By educating on the realities of abuse and revictimization, I can help equip churches with the tools to handle domestic abuse within their congregations.

I found freedom from abuse and the shame that comes with it. Now I help others find their way to freedom by renewing their hope in Christ. I have a blog and a podcast that offer hope and healing with a book coming soon. Find out more about me here, check out my blog or podcast for more about my story and how I help others.

A podcast for women of faith who seek healing of body, mind or soul. Whether abuse, childhood or adult trauma, depression, anxiety or physical ailments, this podcast is for you.
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What started out as 'blog therapy' evolved into a ministry of hope. If you desire deep freedom in Christ, as well as in your life, let's journey together. He's bringing beauty to life from your ashes of pain.
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